
Important: Negative Keyword Lists in Google AdWords and Bing


The Importance of A Good Negative Keyword List For Your AdWords and Bing Campaigns

Have you ever used Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising on either Bing Ads or Adwords? If you answered “yes,” you already know the importance of developing a good keyword list for your PPC ads. Keywords connect products and services to customers in search results. The more relevant the keywords are, the closer the ad is to the top of the search engine results. That’s how businesses get new customers with search engine marketing. And the whole point of advertising is to get new customers.
Keyword selection is just a small part of developing an effective ad campaign. How you use your keywords plays a role in the success of your campaign.
For example, have you ever thought about the search engine results you don’t want your ad to appear in? Let’s say you are selling web design services. You don’t want your ad to appear in search results for keywords like “free web design advice,” or “web design classes.” Words like “free,” “advice,” and “classes,” could be disastrous to your PPC campaigns and your advertising budget. Even if your ad shows up in searches that you don’t want to show up in, it still costs you money.

Negative keywords are the words that you don’t want your ad to appear during a search. How do you lessen the likelihood that your website shows up in searches that do not benefit your business? You add these words to the negative keywords list in your Adwords and/or Bing Ads dashboard. Using this list won’t guarantee your ad doesn’t list in the “less-than-optimal” search results. However, adding these keywords will reduce the chances that you won’t squander your advertising budget on searches that don’t stand a chance of bringing in business. What else can you do to make sure that you are getting the most out of your PPC advertising budget? You should also check your keywords weekly and take out keywords that aren’t working. Sometimes that keyword that you thought would bring you droves of web traffic can waste your advertising budget by bringing in no results at all. Maybe your budget is too low for your most obvious keywords, and you should either raise your budget for your keywords or change your keywords.
Keywords also change in popularity. You may think your keyword is an obvious choice. However, if your potential customers aren’t using it to find your ad, then it just wastes your advertising budget. Checking your keywords weekly makes your advertising dollar work harder for you.
Another area that wastes PPC advertising budgets is not assigning the match settings to each keyword correctly. For example, there are three keyword match choices in your Adwords and Bing Ads dashboard. Your choices are “Broad Match,” “Phrase Match,” and “Exact Match.” These are the settings that search engines use to match the search keywords to your keywords. If you select “Exact Match,” your keyword will only match when someone types your keyword exactly into their search. This reduces the wasted advertising dollars, but your ad will show fewer times. If you select “Broad Match,” your ad could appear when someone searches for something irrelevant to your product or service. This costs you money for an impression that stands no chance of bringing business for you. The “Phrase Match” selection displays your ad for your chosen keyword as well as many combinations with the same keyword.
Trying different combinations and adjusting your keywords for your ad budget is the best way to do what is best for you. How can you tell what the best keywords are for your business? Both search engines have a tool called a keyword planning tool. This tool allows you to compare your keywords to current searches for products and services like yours. This tool also allows you to plan your budget and avoid the unexpected high prices that search engine marketing can sometimes bring.
Adding negative keywords can keep your ad from showing in search results that waste your ad budget. Checking your keywords weekly can help you remove keywords that aren’t working and are wasting money. Adjusting the match settings for your keywords can narrow your search to people more likely to do business with you. Using the keyword planner allows you to test your keywords before you spend money. These are only a few ways to optimize your ad spend and get the best bang for your advertising investment.
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