The Importance of Education in UX/UI, SEO, & SEM


In the realms of Information Technology, Web Design, Search Engine Optimization, & Search Engine Marketing, the game is changed on an almost daily basis. What’s great about these fields is that the work is done all but entirely online, so we are often hit with waves upon waves of new information in terms of optimization.

Education is the Key to Success

With so much information flying around on the vast system of sub-networks that we call ‘The Internet,’ it’s important to decipher good information from bad. Reliable information is often delivered in the form of Webinars, or online seminars, on a number of specialized topics pertaining to broader ones. For example, this week we’ve scheduled three webinars:

  1. Grass Roots SEO – Five Ways to Win over Local Clients
  2. Mining User Generated Content to Boost Sales
  3. Cybersecurity Forecast Sponsored by Kaspersky

These topics are all of utmost relevance to what we here at Internet Dzyns do every day–and your webinars should reflect your business and its goals, too. There are several places to find learning tools and webinars.

Resources for You to Use

  • Udemy is an online learning platform that offers many free courses that are accompanied with unique printable certificates to showcase your course completion. Along with the free courses, there are paid courses that offer more focused and/or in-depth learning.
  • Target Marketing is a marketer’s dream resources that has a team of content writers offering perspectives on market trends, and they offer several webinars to showcase new marketing platforms and data for your use.
  • Search Engine Land is an SEO professional’s dream resource. This is constantly being updated with news and articles reporting on search trends and anything related. They also sync with other resources online such as Marketing Land.
  • Association of Strategic Marketing is a collection of free and paid webinars on, as you may have imagined, marketing and everything to which it pertains. These webinars are usually extremely relevant and engaging.


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