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Video Advertising Holds its Weight at #CES2016


Our team didn’t arrive at #CES2016 until Day 2 of the expo, so naturally we began our journey by stopping at the marketing and advertising cluster of exhibits. There were many advertisement platforms hawking their wares and services, but there was a strong emphasis on the rehash of effective video advertising. With the help of promotional materials from Alphonso and Adstream, we’re pleased to break down the key features of what these services can do for you and us as [search] marketers and/or advertisers.

#CES2016 Video Advertiser Coverage

Unfortunately the video advertiser representatives from Alphonso were engaged with other patrons of #CES2016, so this review comes straight from their promotional flyers and their website. Alphonso is a company that allows an advertiser or publisher to increase effective branding strategies by expanding upon where a video advertiser’s audience can and will be reached. At the same time, the frequency of an ad campaign is drastically increased. One important metric from the sales pitch is that 40% of TV watchers can and will recognize branding based on established advertising practices. The issue that arises is when a television viewer is simultaneously using another device while watching TV (such as a laptop or smart phone), that brand recognition drops to 3%, which is an enormous problem for blatantly obvious reasons. To effectively retarget this audience and increase branding awareness, Alphonso has three strategies that achieve your marketing goals:

  1. Retarget users in real-time or within 24 hours of initial ad exposure
  2. Respond to a competitor’s TV ad campaign by increasing your brand’s reach to ‘conquest’ their audience
  3. Reach an audience based upon shows and topics that may not be on your ad schedule initially

Alphonso Logo
To learn more, check out Alphonso’s website here.
Adstream is a service that is focused more on metrics than actual advertisements, but with emphasis on television ads. The platform itself is prided on “connecting the advertising and marketing industries through digital asset management, workflow tools, media delivery and creative analytics.” The allure of Adstream is that it allows for multiple divisions of an advertisement and marketing team to contribute to campaigns in real-time, while sharing real-time and historical data about all elements of an ad campaign. In a nutshell, the Adstream platform saves vast amounts of time in the marketing and advertising cross-teams, and it simplifies the data and metrics tracking so that all parts of the team have relevant and usable information upon which to capitalize.
Adstream Logo
To learn more, check out Adstream’s website here.



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